Structural strenghtening
The main requirements for a project of building preservation, both for valuable and for traditional buildings, must be:
Specific: based on know-how and respectful for existing buildings
Effective: they must guarantee a good safety level
Little invasive: the strengthening plan must tend to minimum intervention
Must guarantee a good performance with the passing of time
Must restore the original functions of the structure
We can plan the interventions using:
Chains or retaining rings to to hold back the action of pushing elements
Seam bars on cracks
Tension rods inserted in the wall to increase resistance, improve the general performance of the structure and aseismic effect
Carbon fibers
Fiber glass and composite materials
In the former case the intervention requires the use of machinery. We must fix anchors in some holes drilled in the wall to strengthen, using core boring machines with rotating diamond drill, with “dry” or “water” technology without harmful water leaking in the wall. The drilling is the most delicate step of the process; it must be carried out by professionals with long experience that can guarantee a good anchor fixing and a succesfull intervention. In case of fiber use, instead, we strengthen the mix on 3D, a process followed in building since the oldest historical ages. In fact, traces of animal/vegetable fibers added in the mix of raw soil or mortar were found in primitives’ huts, near pyramids, in ancient Greek settlements as well as in massive Roman buildings. This is a really interesting device that can increase the behaviour, performance and applicability of the mix
Diamantech is the first in Italy, since the year 2000, to install the BOSSONG system: stainless steel bar with a micro-perforated fabric mortar and controlled injection system.

Associated to:

: Assorestauro - Installatore Certificato:
Bossong - Accreditamento
: Piattaforma SINTEL di Regione Lombardia
SOA OG2 Restauro e manutenzione dei beni immobili sottoposti a tutela; Lavori in OS21 e OS23